The Delhi filmmaker Jogesh Sehdeva’s “Narayan” is a unique film to have a tagline “Apni Dilli ki film”. This is because the upcoming is totally based on Delhi, highlighting its hidden true facts and is a Delhi centric film with the cast, crew, and locations from the capital itself. The director/ producer/ actor Jogesh Sehdeva was keen on showing a side of the city fewer people are aware of and are scared to talk about. The action drama“Narayan” follows a father’s quest from an overweight middle-class man to a ruthless MMA fighter to get back his son from the clutches of greed & crime.

The film also showcases the unimaginable extent that he goes to for protecting his family. Inspired by the hunger in the belly and the spark in Delhi based artists and technicians, Jogesh decided to make this film with a strong message for all common men and made Delhi its protagonist. No obstacle could led down Jogesh’s determination to be a filmmaker and actor, therefore, despite of numerous challenges and having called back to Delhi from Mumbai due to family problems he continued to work as a theatre artist in Delhi and joined hands with the artists who could not get chance to move to the dream city Mumbai.
Jogesh on questioned about the relevance of the script said, “Narayan is a tale which is not much talked about however prevalent in Delhi and other metros, where family ties are weak and younger generation is inclined towards drugs and intoxicating activities. The film is an amalgamation of the two topics which eventually are interrelated and affects the youth of our generation and I have included some firsthand experiences I have seen around my circle and the set of people I know. I had complete confidence on the script that it holds a critical and commercial content.”
Jogesh also disclosed the reason behind playing the lead himself and said, “Before finalising self in Narayan’s character I auditioned a no. of actors in Delhi but couldn’t find the zeal and commitment the character required as it had to show a transformation journey of fat to fit in the film which required a genuine dedication. I realized I would be a good fit in it and inspired by the characters journey, I decided to give it a shot and prepared myself for the role. Being the director, producer and actor simultaneously became easier as the crew took it really positively and felt like home on the sets.” With a great amount of dedication in a short span of time Jogesh worked hard without the help of chemical or artificial shortcuts because he wanted to keep it real. Strict diet and professional training did the polishing well.
Jogesh then shared the difficulties he faced as an independent filmmaker and said, “When I began I knew it wouldn’t be a cake walk, I figured there will be a lot of hurdles and no. of difficult battles, however, all I had was determination to begin with that motivated me towards my goal. The team I chose to work with were professionals, however, weren’t film level professionals which came as a task too, more than playing Narayan and director/producer for the film I have worked for almost every job on the set from a Spot boy to a light man and so on.”
Jogesh then concluded and said, “We are all very nervous and excited to see how it turns out and what response we will get in this film as everyone from the director to the technical staff has given their time and sweat for this.” So,Dilliwallas lock the date as the film is slated to release on 3rd November 2017.